Viweedy Canna Eso Store

Blueberry Haze cannabis brownies THC free
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Best Of Both Worlds
Get these eye-catching, high-quality blueberry haze cannabis brownies to impress your customers and keep them coming back. You can rest assured that you will make a profit from the long-lasting, delicious edibles, with a perfect blend of two incredible strains – haze and blueberry. The flawless combination makes the brownie incredibly appealing and versatile to a broad audience, especially with zero THC content.
Discrete Packaging For Baked Goodness
As the name suggests, the brownies have a sensationally sweet flavor. And they’re ideal to market as an easy, portable, sweet snack suitable for any time of the day and are non-addictive. The packaging of these items is simple and subtle. So, it is the perfect snack for consuming at home or on the go. Your customers deserve the best. Get our wholesale blueberry haze cannabis brownies on your shelf or in your online store today.
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Viweedy Boutique
Feldbergstrasse 9 | 4057 Basel
0041 61 501 70 77
MO - FR: 10:00 - 19:00 Uhr
SA: 11:00 - 18:00
Feldbergstrasse 19 | 4057 Basel
0041 61 554 01 71
MO - FR: 14:00 - 19:00 Uhr
SA: 11:00 - 18:00