Green Life

Green Life Organic Hemp Calm Tea Single Bags
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Green Life Organic Hemp Calm Tea 30g (25bags/box)
A sip of calmness
Green Life organic hemp calm tea is notable for its soothing effect on the body. It can potentially reduce inflammation related to heart problems, strengthen the heart, reduce anxiety, and improve the body’s nervous system.
The Famous Green Life Hemp Tea
This tea is hand-selected from dry organic hemp leaves and flowers. Green Life have experts who watch these leaves and grow them naturally on organic farms until the CBD concentration is highest in them. At this point, the leaves are harvested and used to make these bags of calmness. The green life hemp tea contains 25 bags per box.
In the absence of THC, it is completely non-psychoactive and can be used at any time of the day.
You would not regret purchasing this pack of goodness, and your customers’ will remain thankful.
Hemp flower, hemp seeds, hemp leaves, micro amount of fat from cow or almond milk, CBDA(cannabidiol in acid form).
CBDA has therapeutic potential. It has been known to potentially treat inflammation and seizures and reduce anxiety. Before CBDA is transformed into CBD, it must first be decarboxylated. This will involve heating, drying, and processing Cannabinoid acid. It then changes its molecular structure and chemical composition to form Cannabinoid (CBD).
Legen Sie einen Teebeutel in eine Tasse. Fügen Sie 200 ml kochendes Wasser und ein paar Tropfen Vollmilch hinzu, um die Auflösung von CBD und anderen in Hanf enthaltenen Cannabinoiden zu unterstützen. 3-5 Minuten ziehen lassen.
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