Herbs of the Gods

Herbs of the Gods Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) 20g
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Blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is a fragrant blue water lily native to the Nile region, South Africa and China. The spiritual scent of the blue lotus will put you in a meditative mood. Blue lotus tea has a slightly narcotic and at the same time subtly euphoric effect. In higher doses, it can even be slightly hi-cinogenic and promote sexual desire.
Flower of the gods
Blue lotus was used by priests of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome more than 3000 years ago. This flower was so important that the Egyptian god Nefertem protected the blue lotus. The blue lotus flower is depicted in every picture, temple or grave of antiquity.
Tea or wine?
The ancient Egyptians made wine and blue lotus a traditional drink that was drunk for recreation. If you want to experience this too, let about 5 grams of dried blue lotus soak in a bottle of wine for several hours. Blue lotus makes the wine bitter, it doesn't taste better that way! The effect of these gods drink becomes more intense.
Blue lotus tea
Blue lotus tea: Let 5 grams of dried blue lotus tea leaves per person soak in hot water for a quarter of an hour. Blue lotus tea can also be combined with z. B. Catmint of Wild Lettuce van Herbs of the Gods.
Herbs of the Gods
Herbs of the Gods has a variety of relaxing, stimulating, and psychoactive herbs and seeds from around the world. Herbs of the Gods products can be used in several ways: in a vaporizer or as a tea. Herbs of the Gods are offered in 4 categories: Energy, Sex, Relax and Trip.
Blue lotus tea leaves Herbs of the Gods
Content: 20 g
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