In the past few months we have repeatedly heard encouraging developments in relation to Swiss cannabis policy. The first model projects that want to test the legal sale of cannabis in scientific experiments are to begin soon. A lot is also happening in dealing with cannabis as medicine, which is probably the only part of cannabis policy in which Germany has been more progressive than its neighbor.
With the license for the cultivation of THC-rich cannabis for commercial purposes, which The Botanicals AG received from the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), the Swiss are once again creating tangible and highly gratifying facts.
Health aspects are paramount
In a recent press release, The Botanicals AG announces that it has succeeded in obtaining a license from the Federal Office of Public Health, which now also allows the manufacturer of hemp and CBD products to produce cannabis with a higher THC content grown and processed commercially. With the receipt of the first license in Thurgau, the company sees a great opportunity. An opportunity not only from an economic perspective, but also with regard to important insights and developments that can now be made in the coming months.
High-quality products for the healthcare market from The Botanicals are to be made available to interested patients in the future, and diseases are to be alleviated in the future using the manufacturer's license and expertise, according to the founder and CEO of The Botanicals, Mike Toniolo.
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An award for the work done
As Toniolo also states, he is extremely happy about this license and sees it as a tribute to the work of the The Botanicals team to date. It is understandable that a company must go to great lengths and efforts to demonstrate suitability for a pharmaceutical grade product. If the product is a natural, i.e. actually agricultural product, this is particularly difficult. With over 50 employees, The Botanicals is one of the largest cannabis companies in Switzerland and one of the leading ones in Europe. The manufacturer already cultivates cannabis plants for CBD and hemp products indoors, outdoors and in the greenhouse.
THC genetics from our own development
Da Bei The Botanicals all parts of the added value, such as research, cultivation, processing, product development, production and sales are united under one roof, a team of experts has meanwhile been able to acquire some experience and comprehensive expertise. The THC genetics are to be developed in our own research and the cultivation of our own varieties is to be done sustainably and taking into account the requirements of the Good Agricultural and Collection Practice (GACP) guidelines.
Where exactly the cultivation is carried out must remain secret, but as the manufacturer states, a new, highly efficient system will be operated specifically for this purpose. The result should be cannabis products of the highest quality that are ecologically and sustainably produced. In any case, The Botanicals has put itself in a very good position and can establish itself as one of the first Swiss cannabis companies on the market for products containing THC.
This content was originally published here.