{Dearest exalted Bavarian sovereign Markus Thomas Theodor, if you like to be more creative* than the other "Bazis", then +++ get smart! +++ 😀 And tell Dani not to dance to the song of the "Anslinger heirs".
As chancellor, you are responsible for the whole people anyway (at least on a piece of paper) and the "stoneheads" and the "bees" would love you very much - and no longer sting 😉 - if you would take them into your paternal heart - well, a little something is always possible - or not 😀 } "CRISPR_Revolution" - "There Is No Planet B!"
[…] ACM announcements dated March 17, 2021
3 days left until free online training: Cannabis as medicine on March 20, 2021
3 days left until free online training: Cannabis as medicine on March 20, 2021
On March 20, 2021, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin e.V. is organizing a free training course on the subject of “Therapy with cannabis-based medicines: basics and practice”. It takes place online and is open to anyone who is interested.
Due to a change in the law in March 2017, cannabis blossoms and cannabis extracts in Germany have become medicines that can be prescribed by any doctor. At the same time, the statutory health insurance companies were obliged to reimburse such therapy under certain conditions.
Even four years after the law came into force, many physiciansinside and pharmacistinside, however, there is still a lot of uncertainty in dealing with cannabis-based medicines. We would therefore like to impart knowledge and provide security in dealing with cannabis-based medicines. The focus of the event is on practical aspects of treatment with cannabis-based medicines. To this end, we were able to recruit leading German-speaking experts from various specialist areas.
What topics are covered?
– theoretical foundations
– legal framework
– Application for reimbursement of costs
– indications
– Selection of the appropriate drug
– Prescribing pitfalls
– dosage
– Side effects and contraindications
What characterizes the training?
– Lectures by leading experts
– Comprehensive and independent knowledge transfer
– Free participation
– Online conference with convenient participation without travel or overnight stays
Date: Saturday, March 20, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:15 p.m
Type: Virtual as a Zoom meeting
Fees: Free participation
A CME certification by the Medical Association of Westphalia-Lippe was promised.
or here to register:
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Facebook page hemp initiative: "https://www.facebook.com/Die-Hanfinitiative-1643480862600021/posts"
We, as DIE HANFINITIATIVE, want us and our children and grandchildren to be able to experience and expect a liveable and healthy present and future.
We are therefore active in many ways and also research facts and put them up for debate.
We also represent our own values, opinions, emotions and insights.
Please review our facts and conclusions and draw your own conclusions once you have done your research.
If you agree that we must act, please take action.
Support our cause or set up your own initiatives and activities.
Do it for yourself and for the future of your children and grandchildren.
Show empathy.
Thanks so much.
#hemp #hemp #useful hemp #hemplove #actnow #fridaysforfuture #children #grandchildren #endprohibition #hempforfuture #stick together #luisa #greta #thunberg #wirliebenEUCHsehr #bebrave #zukunft #future #climatecrisis #weareone #onelove #survive #children #grandchildren #rebellion #extinctionrebellion #survive #federal constitutional court #justice #finally
This content was originally published here.